Frequently asked questions

FAQs - Records Management (RM) Section:

Q.1. What is the mandate of the Public Records Act (PRA) 1993? 

Ans. The Act covers central and UT administrative bodies along the statutory body or corporation, commissions and committees of the respective governments.

 Q.2. Is there any training programme available for the government employees? 

Ans. The Records Officers of the government bodies covered under the Act can participate in the Orientation Course for the Departmental Records Officers conducted regularly by NAI. 

Q.3. Is the orientation course specifically for the Records Officers only? 

Ans. Yes. 

Q.4. When and where is the course conducted? 

Ans. Please refer to page dedicated for the above course on the link

Q.5. What are fees/ charges applicable for participation in the Orientation Course? 

Ans. The course participation is free of cost. 

Q.6. Are boarding and lodging facilities available for the participants of the orientation course?

 Ans. No such facilities are available for the participants. The participants have to arrange for boarding and lodging arrangements by themselves only. 

Q.7. Is the study material of the above course available?

 Ans. Yes, it is available at the link course-records-management.pdf

Q.8. If an organisation wants to organise a training programme for its employees, how NAI can help? 

Ans. Tailor made workshops on Records Management programme can be conducted by RM division of the NAI. All the expenses involved in such training programmes are to be borne by the interested organisation only.

 Q.9. Is setting up a Departmental Record Room (DRR) mandatory? 

Ans, Yes, it's a legal requirement as per S.5(2) of the PRA, 1993. 

Q.10. Is the inspection of the Departmental Record Room mandatory? 

Ans. Yes. Please refer to para 136(2) of the CSMoP.

Q.11. Is a Records Officer (RO) mandatory? 

Ans. Yes, as per S.5(1) of the PRA, 1993. 

Q.12. Is there a provision of additional increment or incentive for the officer working as RO?

 Ans. No, there is no mention of any additional benefit for RO in PRA, 1993. FAQs - Record Appraisal: 

Q.1. What is appraisal? 

Ans. Appraisal is the evaluation of public records in terms of their age and importance that is carried out in consultation with NAI. 

Q.2. What kind of records are to be appraised? 

Ans. Public records that are more than 25 years are appraised. 

Q.3. What is the advantage of appraisal? 

Ans. After the appraisal, the records that not marked for permanent retention are to be weeded out. 

Q.4. Where are the records marked for permanent retention to be kept? 

Ans. National Archives of India. 

Q.5. Whether the records kept in the National Archives of India after appraisal can be taken back by the record creating agency? 

Ans: Such records can only be withdrawn for a period of six months. 

Q.6. What is the procedure of withdrawal of records from the National Archives of India? 

Ans: Records can be withdrawn only after submitting a requisition slip in Form 3. FAQs - Record Retention Schedule: 

Q.1. What is the Record Retention Schedule? 

Ans: It is a tool for record management; it comprises a list retention period for files / documents. 

Q.2. How is a draft Record Retention Schedule compiled? 

Ans: Please refer to Guidelines for details at

 Q.3. Is Record Retention Schedule a permanent tool? 

Ans. Yes, Record Retention Schedule is a permanent tool for records management. 

Q4. Who issues a Record Retention Schedule for substantive functions? 

Ans. The DG National Archives of India issues vetted Record Retention Schedules for substantive functions. 

Q.5. Who issues the Record Retention Schedule for common functional categories? 

Ans: Department of Administrative reforms and Public Grievances issue a Record Retention Schedule for Common functions of all Ministries/Departments.

 Q.6. Is the Record Retention Schedule reviewed periodically? 

Ans: Yes, after every five years. FAQs - Microfilming: 

Q.1. What is a microfilm? 

Ans. A microfilm is a medium comprising a light sensitive polyester based film used for recording images of documents in a highly greatly reduced size.. on a light sensitive polyester based film. Therefore, micro photographic images on microfilms can be read only by magnifying them with the aid of an optical device.

 Q.2. Why is microfilming done? 

Ans. Among the many reasons are: 1. To preserve the original records for posterity. 2. To avert wear and tear of original records by frequent handling. 3. To avoid eventual loss of original records either by natural calamity like flood, fire, earthquake or by ravage of insects and riots etc. 4. To save space for housing more records. 

Q.3. Why is microfilming done although now digitisation may be undertaken? 

Ans. Microfilming is a time tested medium for storage of records whereas digitisation suffers from “ Technological Obsolescence” as the technology keeps rapidly changing. Also, microfilm has legal validity of evidence in the courts of law. Lately, the technology of digitisation of microfilms has enabled internet users to access microfilms online. 

Q.4. How do you preserve microfilms? 

Ans. The following pre-requisites are required: 1. Fully Air Conditioned Microfilm Repository-24x7 2. Temperature 20-22 C 3. Humidity 45-50% 4. Adequate ventilation 5. Fireproof Microfilm Cabinets 6. Dust free atmosphere If the above conditions are met, the life expectancy of microfilm is 500 years.

Q.5. How do make copies from Microfilms? 

Ans. 1. Through an optical device “Microfilm Reader Printer”. It makes direct plain paper copies from microfilms. 2. By first scanning of microfilms and then making readable plain paper copies from scanned images. FAQs - School of Archival Studies (SAS): 

Q.1. What does SAS stand for? 

Ans. SAS stands for school of Archival Studies. 

Q.2. When and why was SAS set up? 

Ans. The Institute of Archival Training was formerly set up in 1976 and was renamed as School of Archival Studies in 1980. The School was established to meet the demand of trained professionals Archivists, Record Managers, Conservators and Microphotographists to preserve the archival treasure of the country. 

Q.3. What are the Courses offered by the School of Archival Studies? 

Ans: The various courses offered by School of Archival Studies are: 

1. One Year Diploma Course in Archives and Records Management 

2. Short Term Certificate Courses in Archives Management (One session of Six weeks) 

3. Short Term Certificate Courses in Records Management (Two sessions of four weeks) 

4. Short Term Certificate Courses in Reprography (Two sessions of six weeks) 

5. Short Term Certificate Courses in Service and Repair (Two sessions of Six weeks) 

6. Short Term Certificate Courses Care and Conservation (Two sessions of four weeks) 

Q.4. What is the educational qualification required for One Year Diploma Course in Archives and Records Management? 

Ans. M.A (History), second class with minimum 50% marks or post-graduate in any other streams. 

Q.5. What is the mode of Selection? 

Ans. Through an aptitude test followed by an interview for private candidates and direct entry for sponsored candidates.

 Q.6. What is the total number of seats for One Year Diploma Course in Archives and Records Management?

 Ans. The Total number of seats for the Course is 30 of which 20 are for private candidates and 10 are reserved for sponsored candidates. 

Q.7. What types of Scholarships are available?

 Ans. The School of archival Studies provide Rs.3000/- per month for 12 months as Scholarship to top 10 students on merit basis.

 Q.8. Are there any internship opportunities? 

Ans. The School of Archival studies offer an internship programme of six months to only those trainees who have successfully completed One-year Diploma Course in Archives and Records Management from the National Archives of India. The Interns are paid remuneration of Rs.20,000/- per month for six months. 

Q.9. How can I apply for the Short-term Certificate Courses? 

Ans. All details related to Short term Courses can be downloaded from the link

Q.10. Where can I get the application form? 

Ans: Application form can be downloaded from the link cited above at FAQs - Right to Information (RTI):

 Q.1. Who is covered under RTI Act 2005?

 Ans. The Act extends to the whole of India. 

Q2. What comes under the ambit of information? 

Ans. The details of information ambit may be perused from the Act [S.2(f)] through the link

Q.3. What is a public authority? 

Ans. Please refer to S.2(h) of the Act on

Q.4. Who is authorised to provide information? 

Ans. Public Information Officer (PIO) designated by the public authority will provide the information requested/ applied under the Act. 

Q.5 What is the application procedure for requesting information? 

Ans. The details are available on the link

Q6. What is the time limit to get the information after submission of request?

 Ans. In normal cases, it is 30 days from the date of receipt of application; while in life and liberty situations, the time limit is 48 hours. Please refer to S.7, for the details on the link

Q.7. What are fees and other charges involved to get the information? 

Ans. The application fee is Rs. 10/- but persons below poverty line are exempted from it. For complete details, please refer to RTI Rules, 2012 available on the link

Q.8. Whom to approach, if the information is not received in a stipulated time period? 

Ans. The applicant may submit an appeal, in the cases of delay or denial of information, to the First Appellate Authority designated by the public authority. 

Q.9. How to apply for an appeal? 

Ans. The appeal may be submitted on plain paper with other supporting documents or the applicant may apply online through

 Q.10. What is the fee for making an appeal? 

Ans. No fee is required to submit an appeal. 

Q.11. What to do, if the procedure of first appeal is exhausted by the applicant? 

Ans. The applicant can submit a second appeal to the Central Information Commission. (CIC). Please follow the link for details FAQs - Grants Section: 

Q.1. Which are the Schemes operated by the National Archives of India? 

Ans. Two schemes for preservation of documentary heritage across the country are operated by National Archives of India which are as follows: a) “Scheme of Financial Assistance to State/ Union Territory Archival Repositories, Government Libraries and Museums” b) “Scheme of Financial Assistance for Preservation and conservation of Manuscripts, Rare Books, old and rare documents, Records of History to Registered Voluntary Organizations/Individuals etc. 

Q.2. What is the maximum limit of the Grants? 

Ans. i)The maximum limit of financial assistance is upto 50.00 lakhs for Scheme of Financial Assistance to State/ Union Territory Archival Repositories, Government Libraries and Museums ii)The maximum limit of financial assistance is 10 lakhs for Scheme of Financial Assistance for Preservation and conservation of Manuscripts, Rare Books, old and rare documents, Records of History to Registered Voluntary Organizations/Individuals etc 

Q.3. What is the Scope of the Scheme for Financial Assistance to State/Union Territory Archival Repositories, Government Libraries and Museums ? 

Ans. The Scope of the Scheme for Financial Assistance to State/Union Territory Archival Repositories, Government Libraries and Museums, is for providing financial assistance to Govt. organizations under the State Governments/UT Administrations for their developmental activities and for the Preservation, repair, conservation, publication, cataloguing, listing, microfilming and compilation of Guide of public records, manuscripts, books in their custody. The scope of the scheme has been enhanced to give financial assistance for preservation digitization of records/manuscripts/rare books, archival photographs, prints (including oleographs and lithographs) and electronic records, including support for digitization job work as well as purchase of equipments, viz., camera, scanner, computer, printer, copier etc. and for construction/addition/alteration/renovation of the buildings of the Organizations having collection of more than 5000 rare books/manuscripts/historical records.

Q.4. What is the Scope of the Scheme of Financial Assistance for Preservation and conservation of Manuscripts, Rare Books, old and rare documents, Records of History to Registered Voluntary Organizations/Individuals etc?

Ans. The Scheme provides financial assistance for scientific preservation/conservation/ repair/restoration of Manuscripts, rare books, old and rare documents, record of history, and also for microfilming, listing, cataloguing, evaluation, translation, publication/reprint of historical documents, charts, maps in their custody as also for purchase of manuscripts, rare books, old and rare documents, record of history. The preservation of archival photographs & prints (including oleographs & lithographs) is covered under the Scheme. The scheme would also provide financial assistance for digitization of manuscripts/ rare books, archival photographs & prints (including support for digitization job work as well as purchase of equipment viz. Camera, Scanner, Computer printer, and Copier).

Q.5. How is the Grant Committee reconstituted?

Ans. The Grants Committee is reconstituted for a period of two financial years ending on 31 March. The meeting of the Grants committee is held at least once in a year. Members are eligible for re-appointment for subsequent terms.

Q.6. What is the Procedure for the Release of the Grant to the Government Institutions?

Ans. All the proposals /applications received under the above mentioned scheme for the financial year are placed before the Grants Committee for consideration. The Grants Committee recommends Grants to the Government Institutions. Meeting of the Grants Committee is held once/twice in a Financial year.

Q.7. What is the Procedure for submission of the Proposal /Project for the Institutions?

Ans. Government Institutions/ Private Institutions/ Individuals submit their application / proposal recommended by the State Level Screening Committee (SLSC) to the Chairperson, Grants Committee, National Archives of India. Where there is no SLSC, the applications should be recommended / approved by the Secretary of the Controlling/Administrative department of the respective State Government/UT Administration. In case of Universities (including deemed universities) they send their applications directly through the Registrar. In case of private colleges affiliated to the universities, the applications should be forwarded through the Registrar of the respective university.

Q.8. When is the advertisement published?

Ans. The advertisement inviting applications for financial assistance for every financial year is published in all the leading newspapers during the first quarter of each financial year. FAQs - Committees & Conferences - International relations:

Q.1. What kind of Committees are there and what is their field of action ?

Ans. The Committees and Conference section looks after the National and International Committees viz Indian Historical Records Committee and National Committee of Archivist.

Q.2. How many Cultural Exchange Programmes (CEP) are active at present?

Ans. Currently, the National Archives of India has finalized CEPs with 51 countries and correspondence regarding implementation of articles related to archives with 41 countries is under process.

Q.3. Does the National Archives of India have any MOUs with archives abroad?

Ans. The National Archives has also entered into separate MOUs with the National Archives of Iran, Oman, Portugal, Suriname, Afghanistan, Egypt and Mozambique.

Q.4. What is the mandate of public relations in the context of Archives?

Ans. This involves coordination and liaison with various institutions, deputation of officers for attending lectures, seminars, workshops, training, etc. in India. Attending visitors from the Universities, Colleges, Schools, IIT, IAS Training Institutions, IPS Training Institutions, Income Tax Training, Planning and Architectures, ISTM, ITBP, Ministries, Departments of the Government of India, etc. and giving them a brief introduction about the working of Archives and giving them a peek into its practical working.

Q.5. Is the National Archives of India a member of any International organisation on Archives?

Ans. The National Archives of India is a member of several International bodies including International Council on Archives (ICA), South and West Asian Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives (SWARBICA), Association of Commonwealth Archives and Records Managers (ACARM)

Q.6. How does being a member of international bodies help Archives?

Ans. It is beneficial to the National Archives of India as it helps its personnel to keep up with and learn from the practises followed in the international arena and to share its experience and best practices.

Q.7. What is the role of Indian Historical Records Committee in the development of Archives?

Ans. The Indian Historical Records Committee is an all India Forum of creators, custodians and users of records which was set up in 1919 to advise the Government of India on all issues connected with the management of records and their use for historical research.

Q.8. How many meetings had been held till now and when was the last meeting of the IHRC held and where?

Ans. The Committee has so far held 62 sessions and the last (62nd) session was held on 10-11 July 2018 at Hyderabad under the auspices of the Telangana State Archives and Research Institute, Hyderabad

Q.9. How many countries have deputed diplomats and other higher officials to discuss cooperation in the archival field?

Ans. During the last three years delegations from Philippines, Qatar, Belarus, Belgium, Korea, Georgia, Saudi Arabia, U.S, Taiwan, Croatia, China, Bhutan, Philippines, Oman, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Korea, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, German, Taiwan, Tunisia, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Iran, Chile, France, Bangladesh, etc visited the National Archives of India and discussed matters on archival cooperation.

Q.10. Does the National Archives of India have any Scheme for awarding fellowship/ Scholarship for promoting Research from amongst the holdings of NAI?

Ans. Under the Scheme of Tagore National Fellowships for Cultural Research of the Ministry of Culture, National Archives of India under the aegis of National Selection Committee of the Ministry of Culture awards/ fellowships/ scholarships to research scholars to work in National Archives of India on an approved subject. FAQs - Exhibition:

Q.1. What is an Archival Exhibition?

Ans. An Archival exhibition is a display of material from the collection of Archives viz. Public Records, Private Papers, Cartographic Records and rare books from the Library.

Q.2. What is the importance of Archival exhibitions?

Ans. The archival exhibitions help the lay person to understand the cultural heritage of our country and to become aware about the role of archives in preserving and maintaining the valuable and primary source material for posterity.

Q.3. What are the subjects of these exhibitions?

Ans. Specific themes based usually on historic events or institutions of note are selected for the exhibitions viz commemoration of centenaries of historical events, birth anniversaries of freedom fighters or any personality of historical importance.

Q.4. Who organises these exhibitions?

Ans. National Archives of India organises these exhibitions under the aegis of the Ministry of Culture.

Q.5. How are these exhibitions curated?

Ans. These exhibitions are curated with the help of empanelled firms selected through a tender process.

Q.6. Are these exhibitions organised in Delhi only?

Ans. No, these exhibitions can be and are organised in different parts of the country and abroad.

Q.7. Are only original documents displayed in the exhibitions?

Ans. Original documents as well as their digital copies may be displayed in the exhibitions. 

Q.8. How many exhibitions have been organised so far?

Ans. So far more than a hundred exhibitions have been organised Nation- wide and World-wide since 1973.

Q.9. Who can visit the exhibitions?

Ans. Anyone from any walk of society can visit these exhibitions. 

Q.10. What are the timings of these exhibitions?

Ans. During working days and official hours. But depending on the demand, it can be opened on weekends as well.

Q. 11. Is there any entry fee to visit the exhibitions?

Ans. No, there is no entry fee. 

Q.12. Does National Archives take original documents for display when exhibitions are organised abroad or in different States?

Ans. No. For display outside the premises, only digital copies are displayed. 

Q.13. What are the ways to publicise these archival exhibitions?

Ans. The exhibitions are publicised through banners, posters and social media viz facebook and twitter. Invitation cards detailing out the information on the venue, duration and timings are also sent to learned institutions and sister organisations of the Ministry of Culture among other invitees. Besides it schools and colleges are informed about the exhibition through emails.

Q.14. Are the copies of the exhibits of interest displayed in the exhibition available on demand?

Ans. Yes, a copy may be obtained on payment after following the proper process through the Research Room. FAQs - Digitisation:

Q.1. Are you doing digitisation and how?

Ans. Yes. NAI is digitising its records in a phased manner by outsourcing the task to agencies through an open tender process.

Q.2.. What is your total quantum of records to be digitized?

Ans. NAI has approximately 18 crore pages of records to be digitized at HQ, apart from the records in its regional office at Bhopal and the three records centres at Pudducherry, Jaipur and Bhubaneswar.

Q.3. Do you have any tool to make the digitised data accessible for online users?

Ans. Yes. The NAI portal “Abhilekh Patal” facilitates access to the digitised data through The User manual of this search portal is available on its home page.

Q.4. How many digitised records are available on “Abhilekh Patal” ?

Ans. “Abhilekh Patal” has 2.7 million reference media and 70,844 digitised records containing 28,07,371 digitised pages.

Q.5. Is there any online payment mode for Records on Demand (ROD)?

Ans. It is available on “Abhilekh Patal” itself . You can also make cash payments at the NAI cash counter.

Q.6. What are the benefits of registration on “Abhilekh Patal” ?

Ans. One may have full access to view all the items on the portal. It is also one to use bookmarks to mark interesting items and tags to share knowledge. Digitised copies of records can also be received on ROD.

Q.7. What are the services available under the reprography and computer unit?

Ans. Scholars may get microfilm, plain paper copies, digital images on demand through the Reprography unit. FAQs - Preservation and Conservation:

Q.1. What is preservation?

Ans. Preservation is the technique followed to maintain the physical condition of the records to extend the life span of the records by minimizing the physical and chemical deterioration. It may be achieved by controlling the storage environment and by other preventive and remedial measures.

Q.2. What is conservation?

Ans. Conservation comprises various processes for the long-term preservation of documentary heritage. Conservation activities include examination, documentation, treatment and preventative care.

Q.3. What is Restoration?

Ans. Restoration is the technique of re-strengthening the brittle and fragile records. Records are repaired by using the tested restorative techniques such as tissue repairing, full pasting, solvent lamination etc. Later these documents are stitched & bound.

Q.4. What storage conditions are conducive to records preservation?

Ans. Environmental conditions in the storage area should be stable with minimal fluctuations. Temperature and Relative Humidity most suitable for preservation of paper records ranges between 22-250C and 45-55% respectively.

Q.5. What is Fumigation and what is the procedure involved with it?

Ans. Fumigation is the technique to eradicate live infestation of biological agents like, insect, mould etc. from the infested records. Infested records are exposed to fumigants in thermostatically portable chambers or in a vacuum fumigation chamber. In a thermostatically controlled chamber, fumigants, like, para dichloro benzene or Thymol can be used where as in vacuum fumigation chamber carbon dioxide gas is used. In order to prevent damages caused by biological agents, newly brought records from the records creating agencies into the National Archives of India are cleaned and fumigated by vacuum fumigation technique before storage.

Q.6. What are the materials used in the preservation of records?

Ans. Various preservative and binding materials are used for preservation of records. Some of them are: Preservative materials - Tissue paper, Docket cover, Blotting paper, Ledger paper, Handmade paper etc. Binding materials - binding cloth, boards, Bond paper, threads, needles etc.

Q.7. How do we ensure use of good quality materials for the preservation of records?

Ans. To ensure use of quality materials for preservation of records, all the materials are tested in the Conservation Research Laboratory of National Archives of India which include testing of the Physical and Chemical properties before the materials are used for conservation.

Q.8. Is there any provision to obtain valuable information on Conservation by the State Archives and other institutions from NAI?

Ans. The Preservation division renders technical advice on various aspects of Conservation and also conducts workshops, training etc. on preservation of documentary heritage, if requested by the institution.

Q.9. Is there any provision to supply some of the preservative stationery materials to State Archives and other institutions?

Ans. All the preservative materials, except tissue paper and cellulose acetate foil are available indigenously and are to be procured by the institutions themselves. Tissue paper and cellulose acetate foil are imported from abroad which may be supplied to State Archives and other related institutions on ‘no profit, no loss basis’ to meet their minimum requirement.

Q.10. What is the procedure for outside agencies to get their documents repaired by National Archives of India?

Ans. National Archives of India do not undertake the work of repair and rehabilitation work of the outside agencies. However, National Archives of India may provide all the technical advice relating to preservation as and when demanded by any institution.

Q.11. How long does it take to perform conservation treatment on the documents?

Ans. Time required for restoration of a document depends upon the physical condition of the document, type and degree of deterioration. Sometimes, simple work may take a few days or weeks, while more complex treatment may take longer time to complete. Careful examination of the document is required to understand how to approach a planned restorative treatment.

Q.12. Can documents be stored in plastic sheets?

Ans. Plastic enclosures are safe for documents only if they are made of polyester, polypropylene, or polyethylene. Other plastics (e.g, PVC type plastics) are not chemically stable and release damaging acids over time; therefore, they should not be used for storage of records. FAQs - Accessioning of Records (AR):

Q.1. What is the function of ‘Accessioning of Records’ Section?

Ans. Accessioning of Records (AR) section is mandated to undertake physical verification of records transferred from various Records Creating Agencies (RCAs) of Government of India followed thereafter by their physical arrangement/ amalgamation in the designated storage space in the repositories.

Q.2. Is the public records available in the AR Section accessible to the users of NAI?

Ans. No. Public records are accessible to the users of NAI only after the completion of the accessioning process and transfer of those records to the designated repositories/stack areas. FAQs – Private Archives (PA):

Q.1. What types of records are in the custody of Private Archives?

Ans. Private Archives section has personal papers of important personalities like freedom fighters, statesmen, scientists, educationists, etc. as also papers of private institutions.

Q.2. How are the personal papers of individuals/ Institutions acquired in NAI?

Ans. Private papers of individuals and institutions are either acquired as a gift or are purchased.

Q.3. What is the role of the Historical Documents Purchase Committee in acquisition of private papers?

Ans. Please follow the link on NAI website .

Q.4. What is the process of consulting papers in the custody of Private Archives section?

Ans. Papers in the custody of Private Archives are accessible to any researcher who completes registration process in the Research Room of NAI and comes to the Private Archives with an introductory slip from Research Room.

Q.5. Are records in Private Archives accessible only after they are 30 years old?

Ans. No. There is no time limit for accessing private papers in the custody of NAI. However, if any restriction has been put by the donor of a collection, it is honoured.

Q.6. Can a research scholar seek copies of private papers in Private Archives?

Ans. Yes, copies are provided. The procedure is similar to that of public records. 

Q.7. What are the charges for photocopying and scanning of private papers?

Ans. Please refer to the link

Q.8. Are all the private papers available on Abhilekh Patal?

Ans. Currently only some files of Private Archives are uploaded on Abhilekh Patal. It is a dynamic site where digitized records would be uploaded as and when they are digitized.

Q.9. What are the microfilms acquired by Private Archives?

Ans. Microfilms of Indian interest have been acquired from various countries across the world. 

Q.10. Can a research scholar seek copies of microfilms acquired from abroad?

Ans. Copies of microfilms are subject to conditions of acquisition as available in the custodial section. FAQs – Cartography Section:

Q.1. Which Government department has transferred cartography records in the custody of National Archives of India?

Ans. Cartography records available in National Archives of India were transferred by Survey of India, the record creating agency of these maps.

Q.2. What are the different types of cartographic holdings in National Archives of India?

Ans. Cartographic holdings in NAI include Historical maps, MRIO maps, Revenue maps, Printed and Published maps, etc.

Q.3 Can a research scholar get copies of maps in NAI?
If yes, in which format I can get copies of the maps?

Ans. The registered research scholars of NAI can get copies of “open category” maps in digital format on submission of request in Form 9, Public Records Rules, 1997.

Q.4. What are the charges to get scanned images of the maps?

Ans. Please follow the link .

Q.5. What cartographic records are considered to be restricted and not open for research scholars?

Ans. The restricted maps are identified as per Index map provided by the Survey of India for reference.

Q.6. What is the procedure for obtaining copies of restricted maps by the scholars?

Ans. The copies of restricted maps may be provided to the scholars subject to clearance from Ministry of Defence and Survey of India. FAQs – Public Records:

Q.1. How are public records acquired by National Archives of India?

Ans. Public Records are transferred to National Archives of India as per provisions contained under the Public Records Act, 1993 and Public Records Rules, 1997.

Q.2. Give details of the records in the custody of NAI?

Ans. Please follow the link

 Q.3. Are all the public records in the custody of NAI accessible to researchers?

Ans. All ‘open’ category records over 30 years old are accessible to researchers. 

Q.4. How are the records made accessible to researchers?

Ans. Public records can be consulted in the Research Room of NAI on completion of registration process as laid down under Public Records Rules, 1997 or can be browsed through online search portal of NAI

Q.6. Are records of defunct bodies open for research?

Ans. Public records of defunct bodies can be accessed by registered users only after they are 30 years old.

Q.7. Who are the users of public records in NAI?

Ans. Apart from the representatives of various Government Ministries/ Departments, research scholars of various Universities/ Institutions and bonafide citizens are known to be users of public records in NAI.

Q.8. Are all the public records in the custody of NAI available online?

Ans. No. Only some of the records and references to public records in the custody of NAI are available online on the search portal of NAI

Q.9. Does NAI undertake search and provide information to citizens under RTI Act, 2005?

Ans. NAI does not undertake search to provide information under RTI Act, 2005. A copy of complete file may be provided only if complete reference to a record is given by the applicant.

Q.11. What are the rates for providing copies of public records?

Ans. Please follow the link

Q.12. Does NAI have an archive of photographs/ images?

Ans. NAI does not have a separate audio-visual archives. 

Q.13. Does NAI have personal records related to birth, death, marriage, baptism of citizens among the public records?

Ans. NAI does not have genealogical/ personal records among the public records in its custody. 

Q.14. Is there a separate portal for declassified public records related to Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose?

Ans. There is a separate portal for declassified public records related to Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. FAQs -Publication Section:

Q.1. What kind of books are published by the National Archives of India?

Ans. The National Archives of India publishes two types of books - Priced books and Non-priced books. Details of the publications made till 2011 is available at the link mentioned below:

Q.2. Are the books published by the National Archives of India available online?

Ans. Yes, most of the non-priced books published by the National Archives of India are available online and can be downloaded from the link mentioned below:

Q.3. Can hard copy of the books published by the National Archives of India be purchased?
What is its process?

Ans. Yes, depending upon its availability, they can be purchased through Superintendent, General Section, National Archives of India.

Q.4. Can hard copies of non-priced books published by the National Archives of India be obtained for free?

Ans. No, these can only be downloaded online from our website free of cost. 

Q.5. Can hardcopy of priced books published by the National Archives of India be purchased online?

Ans. Currently this facility is unavailable. 

Q.6. What is the process of publication and printing of books and reports by the National Archives?

Ans. The provisions contained in GFR 2017 are followed for publication and printing of books and reports.

Q.7. Is there any online payment portal/ gateway to purchase the publications of NAI?

Ans. Currently this facility is unavailable. FAQs – Research & Reference Section (Research Room):

Q.1. Who can avail the research facility in the Research Room (RR) of NAI?

Ans. Indian / Foreign research scholars/ students affiliated to any University/ Institution and any bonafide Indian national can avail the research facility in the Research Room of NAI.

Q.2. What is the procedure for accessing records in the Research Room of NAI?

Ans. Research scholars shall submit an application in Form-8, Public Records Rules, 1997  to the Director General seeking permission to consult records along with the documents mentioned therein.

Q.3. What are the documents required for registration of Indian Scholars?

Ans. Indian research scholars/ students are required to submit a letter of introduction from their sponsoring University/ Institution along with a copy of a photo identity proof with residential address issued by Government of India viz. Election ID/ Aadhar/ Diving licence, etc.

Q.4. What are the documents required for registration of foreign scholars?

Ans. Foreign Scholar/ students should submit a letter of introduction from their sponsoring University/ Institution along with a letter of introduction from the diplomatic mission of their country in India. Passport may be carried as photo identity proof.

Q.5. Can a Research Scholar make online Registration?

Ans. Currently this facility is unavailable. Registration process is undertaken by visiting the Research Room of NAI.

Q.6. Is the registration process uniform for all the Record Centres of NAI and the Regional Office?

Ans. Yes. The registration process is uniform in the NAI Headquarters at New Delhi and its three Records Centres at Jaipur, Bhubaneswar and Puducherry as also the Regional Office at Bhopal.

Q.7. Does NAI issue any card to the registered users?

Ans. No. 

Q.8. What document helps registered users to enter the building premises?

Ans. Temporary entry pass issued at the reception office of NAI by the Ministry of Home Affairs helps registered users enter the building premises. The regularly visiting registered users can also seek temporary entry passes for a limited period through by online submission of the required documents.

Q.9. Can original records be consulted if microfilm or digital images of the same are available?

Ans. No. 

Q.10. Can a research scholar request to consult a physical copy of any record available on Abhilekh Patal?

Ans. No. The physical copy of records digitized and available on Abhilekh Patal shall not be supplied for consultation.

Q.11. Is use of mobile camera, digital camera permitted for taking copies of records permitted in NAI?

Ans. No. Use of mobile cameras, handheld scanners, digital cameras are strictly prohibited inside the Research Room. They shall not be used by any research scholar for making copies of records in the Research Room.

Q.12. What is the procedure for getting copies of records in NAI?

Ans. Copies of records are to be sought by submitting duly filled in requisition form  in the Research Room along with files to be copied.

Q.13. What are the charges for photocopying and scanning?

Ans. Please follow the link

Q.14. How do I request for records in the Research Room?

Ans. Requisition slips available in the Research Room are to be filled up and submitted at the requisition counter. Only one record can be requested in one requisition slip.

Q.15. What are the timings of requisitioning in the Research Room?

Ans. Records can be requisitioned thrice a day. The slips are to be given at least half an hour before 10.00 AM, 12,30 PM, and 3.00 PM.

Q.16. How many requisition slips can be submitted by a Research Scholar in a working day?

Ans. A research scholar can submit a maximum of 15 requisition slips in a day and not more than 10 requisitions at any of the three timings mentioned at S.No.12 above.

Q.17. How long will it take to receive the records after submitting the requisition slip?

Ans. All records are generally supplied the same day as requested. 

Q.18. What are the Reference tools available in the Research Room for researchers to identify records available in NAI ?

Ans. Macro reference media like Guides to the record holdings, Indices, subject lists, descriptive lists are some of the physical reference tools available in the Research Room for research scholars. In addition, online search portal can be browsed by research scholars on the monitors at each of the reading tables in the Research Room for identification of relevant records.

Q.19. Are all the records available in NAI accessible to a research scholar?

Ans. All 30 years old ‘open’ records are open for research. 

Q.20. Does the Research Scholar receive any kind of acknowledgement letter for availing the services of Research Room of NAI for the period he/she had worked there?

Ans. On specific request made by a research scholar, for official use, the same may be issued with the approval of the competent authority.

Q.21. Are there any Dos and Don'ts for the research scholars?

Ans. Please follow the link

Q.22. What are the conditions for researchers who publish material copied from NAI?

Ans. As per undertaking given by research scholars at the time of registration and while taking copies, they are required to acknowledge NAI in the publication being brought out and also give a copy of the publication where material from NAI has been used. FAQs – Library:

Q.1. What type of NAI library is?

Ans. The National Archives of India Library is a Special library on Modern Indian History. This is Reference library.

Q.2. Who are the users of the library?

Ans. Ministries/ Departments, bonafide Research Scholars, Trainees of School of Archival studies diploma course, Universities and other Institutions and individuals doing research on Modern Indian History.

Q.3. How can someone access the library?

Ans. Users are required to enroll themselves in the Research Room first then visit the library reading room along with registration slip.

Q.4. What time is the reading room open ?

Ans. The reading room open timing is 9:45am to 5:45pm on all working days except Gazetted holidays, Saturday and Sunday.

Q.5. Are publications available for loan for research scholars?

Ans. The publications available in the Library are for consultation only in the Reading Room of the Library.

Q.6. Does the library provide reprography facility?

Ans. Yes, library provides reprography facility on a payment basis. One can get plain paper photocopy and digital scan of their desired pages up to one third portion of any bound volume. For more details go to the home page, services and access to the library.

Q.7. What type of collection is available in the library?

Ans. The Collection of NAI library is on Modern Indian History. It supplements the records available in the NAI.

Q.8. Are Government publications available in the library?

Ans. Yes, Calcutta Gazette, Gazette of India, Parliamentary Papers, Debates, etc. are available in the library. For more details go to the home page, services and short introduction to the Library.

Q.9. Is online assistance available for information available in the library?

Ans. Yes, through e-mail and phone 011-23073007.

Q.10. Is Online public Access Catalogue available?

Ans. Yes, available on Intranet.