National Archives of India
Tel. Nos. 23383436, 23073659 Fax No. 23074350

From the Desk of Director General of Archives
Dear User of Archives,
It is a matter of great pleasure that the Catalogue of Publications of the National Archives of India is in your hands. The National Archives of India, which was established at Kolkata in 1891 as Imperial Record Department, came to New Delhi in 1911 to its present location as a result of transfer of Capital from Calcutta to Delhi. The department is functioning as 'Delhi's most intellectual destination' since 1937 in the present building at the crossing of Janpath and Rajpath.
The present publication is not merely a catalogue or list of publications brought out over the last seventy years in pursuance of the approved publication scheme in 1942; rather it unfolds the history of the publication policy of this Department since its origin. The booklet compasses the genesis and growth of publication, provides brief details about each publication, their cost, code as well as status of availability, etc. I would like to add that during last seventy years, after the approved publication policy, approximately 101 titles have been brought out with many of the titles having several volumes. Out these 101 titles, 40 are priced publications, 49 are non-priced, 8 are reprints and 4 are facsimile copies of the manuscripts preserved in the National Archives of India. The earliest official publication is A Hand book to the Records of the Government of India in the Imperial Record Department, which was brought under the able guidance of Shri A. F. M. Abdul Ali, Keeper of Records, Imperial Record Department, in 1925.
As we all head towards digital era, it has been decided to digitize all publications brought out so far and make them available on our website (www.nationalarchives.nic.in) for an easy access to the information therein. The work is huge and obviously time consuming; therefore, it has been planned to execute the digitalization project in three phases. In the first phase, only those non priced publications have been digitized which are in the form of small leaflets, brochures, pamphlets, booklet, etc. and digitization work of the non-priced publications in the volumes will be taken up in the second phase. In the last phase, the digital version of the priced publications would be made available on our website once the facilities for the online payment is incorporated in the website of this Department. However, the information booklet in your hand is also being uploaded on the website for global circulation.
On my request, Shri Rajmani, Assistant Director of Archives, has visualized, edited and finally presented this publication on Publications of the National Archives of India. He deserves special appreciation for this task. Dr. K.C. Jena, Archivist, has coordinated the work of compilation and publication of this publication with the assistance of Sh. Thingnam Sanjeev, Assistant Archivist. S/Shri Deepak Kumar Ahlawat, L.D.C. and Shri Asgar Raja, an Intern, typed the draft of this publication. I also thank S/Shri N. S. Mani, Jagmohan Singh, J. K. Luthra, Microphotographist(s) and Shri Ajay Srivastava for preparation of digital copies of the non-priced publications in the first phase on the website of the Department.
I hope the scholars, historians, academicians and all other users of Archives will welcome this informative and useful publication.
New Delhi
8 June 2012

(Professor Mushirul Hasan)
Publications of the National Archives of India. The Publication programme of National Archives of India was started in 1942 on the recommendation of the Research and Publication Committee of the Indian Historical Records Commission. It was taken up under the guidance of Shri S.N. Sen., Director of Archives and as per recommendation of the Committee; the publication scheme was launched in two categories: (a) in-extenso publication of the records and (b) selections from English and Oriental records. Since then, the department is regularly bringing out varied types of publications on the principles suggested in the publication scheme. However, few publications were also brought out by the department prior to the regular publication programme. Besides the aforementioned, the department collaborated with Universities and learned societies and sponsored the publication of selections from Orme Manuscripts (Annamalai University), Punjab Akhbars, 1839-40 (Sikh History Society), Elphinstone's Correspondence 1804-1808 (Nagpur University), Ochterlony Paper 1818-25 (Calcutta University) and the Foreign Department Newsletters, entitled North-Western Frontier and British India 1839-42,2 Volumes, (Punjab University). Similarly under this programme, a volume each of Bengali, Hindi, Persian, Sanskrit and Telugu documents in the custody of this department have also been sponsored and published. In 1960, the Committee on Archival Legislation under Dr. Tara Chand recommended that the practice of publishing the full text or abridged summary of record series in it's entirely or selection from them should cease as soon as the programmes in hands have been completed and the privilege of full publication should be extended to only such special collection as may relate to a phase of history of which there is little or no knowledge. As far the Publication of Education Records, the Committee recommended that the entire task of their editing and publication should be taken out from the National Archives of India and should either be given to an appropriate branch of the Ministry of Education or entrusted to any suitable institution. Later on, the work of publication of the selection of Education Record Series was transferred to the Zakir Hussain Centre for Educational Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. A major change in the publication policy occurred in 2010 when Prof. Mushirul Hasan, Director General of Archives, decided to reprint rare books under the ‘Archives in India: Historical Reprints Series’ in the Public Private Partnership Programme (PPP). In addition to this, the Publication Committee suggested that the Public Records, Private Papers of eminent personalities and collection from Oriental Records available in this department, should be edited and published with the help of eminent academicians for the use of scholars and interested users. The department has so far brought out priced and non-priced publications. The brief details of the publications brought during the last seventy years have been incorporated in this catalogue.
A. Priced Publications obtainable from the Controller of Publications, Government of India, Civil Lines,
1. Fort William - India House Correspondence
It is an in-extenso publication and covers the correspondence between the Court of Directors in London and the Fort William Council at Calcutta from 1748 to 1800 and published in 21 volumes. Edited by an eminent historian, each volume contains the text of the correspondence together with a comprehensive introduction, copious notes, select bibliography and an exhaustive index as well as a number of illustrations.
Vol. I ! Ed. ! 32.00
(Public, 1748-56) ! Dr. K.K. Datta ! (D.A.6) Out of stock
Vol. II Ed. 19.00
(Public, 1757-59) Dr. H.N. Sinha (D.A.9)
Vol.III Ed. 28.00
(Public, 1760-63) Dr. R.R. Sethi (D.A.23)
Vol. IV Ed. 17.00
(Public, 1764-66) Prof. C.S. Srinivasachari (D.A.20)
Vol. V Ed. 25.00
(Public, 1767-69) Dr. N.K. Sinha (D.A.5)
Vol. VI Ed. 20.00
(Public, 1770-72) Dr. Bisheshwar Prasad (D.A.16)
Vol. VII Ed. 28.50
(Public, 1773-76) Prof. R.P. Patwardhan (D.A. 19)
Vol. VIII Ed. 150.00
(Public, 1777-81) Dr. H.L. Gupta (P.D.A.40)
Vol. IX Ed. 20.00
(Public, 1782-85) Dr. H.A. Saletore (D.A. 13)
Vol. X Ed. 60.00
(Public, 1786-88) Dr. Raghubir Singh (P.D.24)
Vol. XI Ed. 40.00
(Public, 1789-92) Dr. I.B. Banerjee (P.D.A.35) Out of stock
Vol. XII Ed. 75.00
(Public, 1793-95) Dr. A. Tripathi (P.D.A.37)
Vol. XIII Ed. 24.00
(Public, 1796-1800) Dr. P.C. Gupta (D.A. 12)
Vol. XIV Ed. 325.00
(Secret & Select Prof. Amba Prasad (P.D.A.41)
Committee, 1752-81)
Vol. XV Ed. 25.00
(Foreign & Secret Prof. C.H. Philips (D.A. 18)
Letters, 1782-86) and Dr. B.B. Mishra
Vol. XVI Ed. 75.00
(Foreign Secret & Prof. S.H. Askari (P.D.A.36)
Political, 1787-91)
Vol. XVII Ed. 25.00
(Foreign Political Prof. Y.J. Taraporewalla (D.A.8)
& Secret, 1792-95)
Vol. XVIII Ed. 65.00
(Foreign Political & Rev. Fr. H. Heras (P.D.A.3)
Secret, 1798-1800)
Vol. XLIX Ed. 50.00
(Military, 1787-91) Dr. Bisheshwar (P.D.A.32)
Vol. XX Ed. 30.00
(Military, 1792-96) Dr. A.C. Banerjee (D.A.26)
Vol. XXI Ed. 25.00
(Military, 1797-1800) Prof. S.R. Kohli (D.A. 25)
2. Selection from Educational Records
This is a six volume series of documents from the records of the Government of India, bearing different aspects of education in the country. Included in the series are two volumes published by the late Bureau of Education, Government of India in 1920 and 1922.
Vol. I (Educational Report,1859-71) 25.00 (D.A.15.I)
Vol. II (University Education, 1869-87) Ed.
J.P. Naik ; 25.00 (D.A.15.II)
Vol. IV (Technical Education in Ed.
India, 1886-1907) K.K. Bhargava 29.50 (D.A.15.IV)
Part I (1781-1839) Ed. 10.00(Cloth Bound)
H. Sharp (D.A.I.D.)
8.25(Board Bound)
Part II (1840-59) Ed. 18.00(Cloth Bound)
J.A. Richey (D.A.22 IID)
15.00(Board Bound)
(D.A.22 III Ordy)
3. Browne Correspondence
This volume contains the correspondence by Major James Browne, personal envoy of Warren Hastings to the Court of Shah Alam II from August 1782 to October 1785. It throws interesting light on the characters and conditions at Delhi and contains several illustrations.
Browne Correspondence 15.00 (D.A.14)
4. Index to Foreign and Political Departments Records
This publication is in 2 volumes. The first volume covers the records series of the Select Committee (1756-62; 1765-74), Secret and Separate Department (1761-62; 1773-74), Secret Department (1763-65, 1768-80) and Second volume (1781-1783) for Secret Foreign, Foreign & Secret and Separate Branches. Some of the important letters indexed in the volume relates to the circumstances leading to the battle of Buxar, the Farman of granting Diwani of Bengal, Bihar and Orrisa, Second Mysore War, Naval skirmishes between the French and the British etc.
Vol. I (1756-1780) 28.00 (D.D.27-II)
Out of stock
Vol. II (1781-83) 28.00 (D.D.27-II)
5. Calendar of Persian Correspondence
This publication in the series contains summaries of the letters exchanged between the Governor General and other agents of the East India Company and Indian rulers, Chiefs and other eminent person from 1759-1795 and 11 Volumes have been published.
Volume I-VII Out of Stock
Volume VIII (1788-89) 20.00 (D.A.I.VIII)
Volume IX (1790-91) 15.00(D.A.I.IX)
Volume X (1792-93) 20.00(D.A.I.X)
Volume XI (1794-95) 25.00 (D.A.I.XI)
6. Descriptive List of Mutiny Papers
This publication throws light on the activities in Central India, particularly Bhopal during the Revolt of 1857 and 6 Volumes have been published.
Vol. I 4.25 (D.A.17)
Vol. II 6.00 (D.A.21)
Vol. III 10.00(P.D.A.30)
Vol. IV 4.25 (P.D.A.34)
Vol. V 57.50 (P.D.A.38)
Vol.VI 350.00 (P.D.A.42)
7. Descriptive list of Secret Department Records
The records listed in these 9 volumes covering the period 1765-95 reflect the then political situation in India and refer to the events which contributed to the consolidation of the British Power in the country during the period.
Vol. I (1765-75) Out of Stock
Vol. II (1776-80) 35.75 (D.A.28)
Vol. III- Vol. IX Please see S. No. 2
of Part B for details
8. Ashob
This publication is in Urdu and based on Urdu poems available in the banned literature which are available in the department.
Ashob Vol.I (Urdu) 62.00 (P.D.A.2LV )
9. Index to Titles (1798-1855)
This publication deals with the title and appellations found in the Alqabnamas (Books of Title) comprising 7 volumes of Persian Misc. records which the company's servants and British officials had maintained for their day to day correspondence with the Chief and notables of India and the neighbouring countries.
Index to Titles 71.40 (P.D.A. 39)
10. Proceedings of Indian Historical Records Commission
The Indian Historical Records Commission was, set up in 1919, a national forum of historians, archivists and creators of records on the maintenance, conservation and use of archives. The proceeding volumes, besides containing accounts of the deliberations of the Commission meetings, also include the research papers pertaining to the post-1600 period of Indian History read at the academic sessions of the Commission. The commission has now been re-christened as Indian Historical Records Committee and 58 volumes have been brought out.
VII to XXIV Out of Stock
Volume (25th Session, Delhi,
XXV December 1948)
Part I Proceeding 3.37 (D.A.2XXV.I)
Part II Symposium 4.50 (D.A.2XXV.2)
XXVI to XXXV Out of Stock
Volume (36th Session, Chandigarh,
XXXVI October 1961)
Part I 4.50(D.A.2XXXVI.I)
Part II 6.00(D.A.2XXXVI.2)
Volume (37th Session, Delhi, 10.50(D.A.2XXXVII)
XXXVII October 1966)
XXXVIII to XL Out of Stock
Volume XLI (41st Session, 11.25
Trivandrum, (P.D.A.2XLI)
October 1971)
Volume (42nd Session, Panaji, 25.00
XLII January 1973) (P.D.A.2XLII)
XLIII and XLIV Out of Stock
Volume (45th Session, Mysore, 40.00
XLV February 1977) (P.D.A.2.XLV)
Volume (46th Session, 49.50
XLVI Aurangabad, (P.D.A.2.XLVI)
January 1979)
Volume (47th Session, Delhi, 55.00
XLVII May 1981) (P.D.A.2XLVII)
Volume (48th Session, Out of Stock
XLVIII Gandhinagar, June 1982)
Part I 30.00(P.D.A.2XLVIII)
Part II 400-1983 (DSK-II)
Volume (49th Session, 100.00
XLIX Surajkund, (P.D.A.2XLIX)
June 1985) 400-1986(DSK-II)
Volume (50th Session, Lucknow,
L Februar y 1987) 757.16 (P.D.A.2L)
Volume (51st Session)
LI Bikaner March 1988 Out of Stock
Volume (52nd Session, Srinagar,
LII October 1988) 466.00 (P.D.A.2LII)
Volume (53rd Session, Guwahati,
LIII February 1990) 426.00(P.D.A.2LIII)
Volume (54th Session, Rohtak,
LIV April 1992) 561.00(P.D.A.2LIV)
Volume (55th Session, Jadavpur,
LV December 1995) 2048.00(P.D.A.2LV(A)
(1996 DSK II)
Volume (56th Session,
LVI Jabalpur, 1997) 1273.00(P.D.A.2LVI)
(300-1997 DSK II)
Volume (57th Session, 1600.00(P.D.A.2LVII)
LVII Mysore, 2001) (300-2002 DSK II)
Volume 1120.00(P.D.A.-
LVIII (58th Session, 2LVIII)
Raipur, 2003) (300-2004 DSK II)
*While placing order, the symbol of the required publication must be mentioned. The symbol of each publication is given against it within brackets.
A discount of 25% is admissible on publications sold by the Department, if a minimum of ten copies are purchased at a time.
B. Priced publications available with the Director General,
National Archives of India
1. Indian Travel of Thevenot and Careri
This profusely illustrated volume contains interesting account of political, socio-economic and cultural life of the people of India as given by two European travelers - M.de Thevenot and J.F.G. Careri during their visit to India in 17th century.
Indian Travel of Thevenot and Careri
(The reprint of the publication has been brought out under Private Public Partnership programme by Asian Educational series, New Delhi-49)
2. Descriptive list of Secret Department Records
This publication is in continuation of 9 volumes series of the records of the secret department and reflects the then political situation in India and refers to the events which contributed to the consolidation
of the British Power in the country during the period. First two
volumes of the series are listed at S. NO. 7 of Part A.
Volume III (1781-82) 10.00
Volume IV (1783) 10.00
Volume V (1784) 7.00
Volume VI (1785-86) 14.00
Volume VII (1787-88) 17.00
Volume VIII (1789-90) 9.00
Volume IX (1791-95) 9.00
3. Descriptive List of Persian Correspondence
This publication contain correspondence between the Governor General, Resident and other high officials of the East India Company on one side, and the Emperor Shah Alam II and other Indian rulers, nobles, merchants and bankers as also neighbouring potentates and their high functionaries and the other. It throws light on the Company's relations with neighbouring countries viz Burma, Bhutan, Nepal, Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey, besides bearing references to the political situation prevailing in these countries. Some of the letters listed in the volume furnish useful information about the socio-economic conditions in various parts of the country at the turn of the century. The department has brought 4 Volumes so far covering the period 1801-1804.
Volume I (1801) 6.00
Volume II (1802) 22.50
Volume III (1803) 65.00
Volume IV (1804) 150.00
4. Calendar of Acquired Documents
This publication, covering the period 1402-1719 with occasional gaps, is available in cyclostyled form. While a few of the documents covered in the publication relates to Lodhi and Bahamani dynasties, most of these deals with the Mughal administration and 2 volumes have been published. Vol. I (1402-1719) & Vol. II (1352-1754).
Volume I (1402-1719) 17.50
Volume II (1352-1754) 20.00
5. Descriptive List of Acquired Document
This publication is in the series and in succession to the previous
series of Calendars of Acquired Documents, which was
discontinued after two volumes and three volumes of the series
have been published.
Volume III (1356-1790 A.D.) 70.00
Volume IV (1559-1810) 100.00
Volume VI (1831-1850) 650.00
(Volume VI is available at Akar Books, 28E, Pkt. IV,
Mayur Vihar Phase I, Delhi 91)
Tel No. 011-22795505,
Fax +91-11-22795641
Website www[dot]aakarbooks[dot]com
6. Catalogue of Seals (Foreign)
This publication is based on seals found impressed upon the treaties of the correspondence exchanged between the officials of the East India Company and the potentates of the neighbouring countries during the later-half of the 18th and first half of the 19th centuries have been catalogued in this volume. These treaties and correspondence constitute a part of the records of the Foreign Department in the custody of the National Archives of India.
Volume I 93.50
7. Catalogue of Seals (found on Mutiny Papers and Original Receipts)
This publication is a second volume of the series on seals. In this catalogue seals used during one hundred years from 1759 to 1858 have been included. The volume covers 1095 seals found impressed on the records of English East India Company.
Volume II 110.00
8. Catalogue of Manuscripts of Fort William College Collection
This publication is a Catalogue of Manuscripts of the Fort William College Collection in the National Archives of India which comprises several manuscripts, including a large number of invaluable and rare manuscripts from the plunder of the huge collection of Tipu Sultan's rich library. The Persian translation of the catalogue has also been brought out in collaboration with Noor Microfilm Centre, Iran Culture House, New Delhi.
Catalogue of Manuscripts of the Fort Willim College
Collection in the National Archives of India 25.00
9. Catalogue of Books of Fort William College Collection
This publication is a Catalogue of books of the College of Fort William which was founded in 1800 by Marques of Wellesley to commemorate the British victory over Tipu Sultan and it was a training center for British Civil servants. 742 rare and important books have been catalogued in the publication. The Persian translation of the catalogue has also been brought out in collaboration with Noor Microfilm Centre, Iran Culture House, New Delhi.
Catalogue of Books of the Fort William College
Collection in the National Archives of India 35.00
10. Khutoot -i- Azad
This publication is based on letters of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad which reflect his role not only in freedom struggle but also as a journalist and writer. It is in Urdu and Hindi transliteration has also been brought out.
Khutoot-i-A zad (Urdu) 50.00
Khutoot-i-A zad (Hindi) 272.00
11. Zanjeerein
This publication is a selection of 23 Urdu short stories from the proscribed literature housed in National Archives of India. They reflect the socio-political condition of India during the British Raj.
Zanjeerein (Urdu) (1991) 40.00
12. Lahu Luhan Baisakhi
This publication was brought on the occasion of 75th anniversary of the tragedy of Jallianwala Bagh of 1919 and it is a collection of poems on the theme available in the banned literature preserved in National Archives of India. The original publication is in Urdu; however Hindi transliteration has also been brought out.
Lahu Luhan Baisakhi (Urdu) 140.00
Lahu Luhan Baisakhi (Hindi) 85.00
13. Descriptive List of Miscellaneous Persian Documents
This publication is based on some important Miscellaneous Persian documents. It deals with 140 documents in the form of Farmans, Parwanas, Nishans, Sanads, Dastaks, Muchalkas, Arzis, Iqrarnamas and Mahzarnamas, related in a way or other with the British East India company though issued by Mughal rulers like Shahjahan and others. They throw light on Mughal administration in India, particularly Mughal relations with other outlying states and East India Company and covers the period from 1633 to 1867.
Descriptive List of Miscellaneous Persian
Documents (1633-1867) 35.00
14. Athar -i- Azad
This publication in Urdu is based on the official noting on files by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad as first Minister of Education and it reflects his vision, farsightedness and command over administrative matters. The original notings are preserved in National Archives of India.
Athar-i-Azad (Urdu) 30.00
15. Catalogue of Historical Maps of the Survey of India (1700-1900)
This publication comprises a list of 7,923 maps. The oldest map in this collection pertains to the island of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) and is dated 1700 A.D. Apart from India, the catalogue contains maps of areas now forming parts of Pakistan, Bangladesh and 30 other countries, including Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, Ethopia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia etc.
Catalogue of Historical Maps of the Survey
of India (1700-1900) 39.00
16. Catalogue of MIRO-Misc. Maps of Survey of India
The maps catalogued in the publication are closely related to the Historical Maps with practically no difference in character. The Collection comprising of about 700 sheets covers the period 1742-1872 and contains mostly boundary survey sheets, fort and city plans etc.
Catalogue of MIRO - Misc. Maps of
Survey of India 50.00
17. Catalogue of Forest Maps of the Survey of India
This publication provides information about changes in boundary area, types of forest, which were carried over to the portfolio copies of 578 forest survey maps of Ajmer-Merwara, Bombay Presidency, Central Provinces and Berar and United Provinces. These are the first editions of the maps which had been prepared from the original field survey records and they reflect the growth and extent of forest administration in those areas. They also carry a number of annotations, corrections/additions that had been suggested by the forest authorities.
Catalogue of Forest Maps of the Survey of India 28.00
18. Catalogue of Revenue Maps of the Survey of India
This publication in four volumes is based on revenue maps of Bombay presidency, Central Provinces, former Punjab Provinces and former North West Provinces as well as United Provinces. The first volume contains 1145 Revenue maps of various districts of Maharashtra and Karnataka states for the period 1871-1888. The second volume contains 6621 Revenue maps of various districts Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra for the period of 1853-1875 while the third volumes contains 1729 Revenue maps of various districts of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and also on Delhi. The last volume contains 8695 Revenue maps of various districts of Uttar Pradesh for the period of 1822-1893. The highlight of this publication are large scale of Topographical maps showing the details of the surveys conducted Survey of India on the boundaries and plans of villages, Talukas, Towns, Cities as well as Cantonment during the 19th and 20th Century.
Volume I (1871-1888) 61.00
Volume II (1853-1875) (In four parts) 300.00 per set
Volume III (1843-1905) 76.00
Volume IV Part I (1827-1873) 127.00
Part II (1837-1893) 122.00
Part III (1839-1881) 169.00
Part IV (1833-1893) 117.00
19. Catalogue of Printed and Published Maps
This publication is in two volumes of printed as well as published map which are grouped in this heterogeneous collection. The Publication covers the period 1755 to 1980, comprises approximately 3600 maps and Atlases of India as well as other parts of the world like Afghanistan, China, Fiji, Guyana, Malay Peninsula, U.S.A. and Zambia. The Political maps of the various provinces, former princely states, districts, talukas, cantonments, cities and fort plans of India are an important part of this volume. It contains a large collection of first editions of old atlas sheets dating back to 1827 maps lithographed from old Revenue surveys before 1960 and a large number of the obsolete topographical surveys.
Catalogue of Printed and Published Maps, 145.00
Part I and Part II
20. Catalogue of Revenue Maps (Miscellaneous)
This publication contains 638 miscellaneous revenue maps covering the period 1801-1901, showing the areas, parts and places of India and some other countries viz. Aden, Afghanistan, Arabia, Bangladesh, Burma, Nepal, Pakistan and Asia and Europe continent. The large scale topographical maps showing details of surveys, conducted by Survey of India on the boundaries and plans which have been marked by hand sketches and various types of colours, sizeable number of village plans, tabular statements and statistical indexes of the related area have also been included in the catalogue. These maps throw light on climate, soil, religion, literature, etc. of the region.
Catalogue of Revenue Maps Miscellaneous 95.00
21. Catalogue of Indo-Pak Revenue Maps
This publication covers 3995 Revenue maps of erstwhile West Punjab and Sind Provinces, etc. which are presently situated in Pakistan covering the period 1852-1901. It contains large scale topographical maps showing details of surveys conducted by Survey of India, delineating boundaries and plans marked by hand sketches and differentiated colour coding. A sizeable number of village plans, tabular statements and statistical indices of the related areas are also included. Interesting and valuable information on local geo-climatic pattern, social conditions prevalent in various places in India and Pakistan can also be gleaned from these maps.
Catalogue of Indo-Pak Revenue Maps 250.00
22. Catalogue of Hind Series Maps of Survey of India
This publication contains 825 maps of South East Asia for the period 1908-1945. The collection has 5 series of maps namely-Indo China Maps, Malaya Maps, Sumatara Maps, Mentawai Island Maps and South Sumatra Maps. All these maps are coloured, printed scaled and topographical. The grid references are also given in the hundreds of meters in all corners of the map. All these maps furnish information on military aspect and topography of the area of the present day Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, southern coast of China, Malaysia, Western Indonesia, Island of Sumatra and Mentawai Islands at the western coast of Sumatra in Indonesia.
Catalogue of Hind Series Maps of Survey of India
23. The Indian Archives
This is an official bi annual journal being published since 1947 with the object to stimulating interest and imparting knowledge of the science of archives keeping. It contains research articles on records administration, preservation and management, news-notes of select titles. The special numbers based on various themes were also brought out time to time. The concept of appointing a guest editor for the journal has also been adopted since 2011. The department has brought out 56 volumes of the journal.
Volumes I to XV out of stock
Volume XVI
(January 1965-December1966) 4.00
Volume XVII out of stock
Volume XVIII
No.1 (January-June 1969) 2.00
No.2 (July-December 1969) 2.00
Volume XIX
No.1(January-June 1970) 3.00
No.2(July-December 1970) 3.00
Volume XX
No.1(January-June 1971) 3.00
No.2 (July-December 1971) 3.00
Volume XXI
No.1(January-June 1972) 3.00
No.2(July-December 1972) 3.00
Volume XXII
Nos.1-2(January-December 1973) 6.00
Volume XXIII
Nos.1-2(January-December 1974) 6.00
Volume XXIV
No.1(January-June 1975) 3.00
No.2(July-December 1975) 3.00
Volume XXV
No.1(January-June 1976) 3.00
No.2(July-December 1976) 3.00
Volume XXVI
Nos.1-2(January-December 1977) 6.00
Volume XXVII
No.1(January-June 1978) 3.00
No.2(July-December 1978) 3.00
No.1(January-December 1979) 8.00
Volume XXIX
No.1(January-June 1980) 8.00
No.2(July-December 1980) 10.00
Volume XXX
No.1(January-June 1981) 10.00
No.2(July-December 1981) 10.00
Volume XXXI
No.1(January-June 1982) 10.00
No.2(July-December 1982) 10.00
Volume XXXII
No.1(January-June 1983) 10.00
No.2(July-December 1983) 10.00
No.1(January-June 1984) 10.00
No.2(July-December 1984) 10.00
Volume XXXIV
No.1(January-June 1985) 10.00
No.2(July-December 1985) 10.00
Volume XXXV
No.1(January-June 1986) 10.00
No.2(July-December 1986) 10.00
Volume XXXVI
No.1(January-June 1987) 10.00
No.2(July-December 1987) 10.00
No.1(January-June1988) 10.00
No.2(July-December 1988) 35.00
No.1(January-June 1989) 35.00
No.2(July-December 1989) 35.00
Volume XXXIX
No.1(January-June 1990) 35.00
No.2(July-December 1990) 35.00
Volume XL
No.1(January-June 1991) 35.00
No.2(July-December 1991) 35.00
Volume XLI
No.1(January-June 1992) 100.00
No.2 (July-December 1992) 100.00
Volume XLII
Nos.1-2 (January-December 1993) 100.00
Volume XLIII
Nos. 1-2 (January-December 1994) 100.00
Volume XLIV
Nos.1-2 (January-December 1995) 100.00
Volume XLV
Nos.1-2 (January-December 1996) 100.00
Volume XLVI
Nos.1-2 (January-December 1997) 100.00
Volume XLVII
Nos.1-2 (January-December 1998) 100.00
Volume XLIX
Nos.1-2 (January-December 2000) 100.00
Volume L
Nos.1-2 (January-December 2001) 100.00
Volume LI
Nos.1-2 (January-December 2002) 100.00
Volume LII
Nos.1-2 (January-December 2003) 100.00
Volume LIII
Nos.1-4 (January 2004 -December 2005) 100.00
Volume LIV (January-December, 2006) 100.00
Vol.LV (January-December, 2007) 100.00
Under thematic series
The Indian Archives, Delhi 100 (1911-2011) 150.00
24. Proceedings of the National Committee of Archivists
The Committee, constituted in 1953, consists of Director of State/ Union Territory Archives Departments as members, and Director General, National Archives of India, as its Chairman. These volumes contain the deliberations of the meetings of the National Committee of Archivists which include resolutions on Archival problems passed at the meetings and the follow up action on the previous recommendations. The department has published 3 volumes.
Volume I (1954-64) 17.00
Volume II (1964-73) 4.00
Volume III (1975-82) 15.50
25. Guide to the Sources of Asian History
This publication is a part of UNESCO's comprehensive project 'Guide to the Sources of the History of Nations' initiated in 1959 in the collaboration with the International council on Archives. The project was virtually launched in India in June 1984 with the constitution of an Advisory Committee which deliberated and set guidelines for preparing the Indian Chapter of the Guide to the Sources of Asian History. India has been allocated number 3 for its guides out of twelve Asian Countries. Under the project, 6 Volumes have been published. The first two Volume deals with the records of the National Archives of India while third to fifth Volumes deals with the records of in the State/ Union Territory Archives in India. The last Volume is the Directory of the Custodial Institutions in India having records and manuscripts in their holdings. The cut of date of volumes for the inclusion of information is 1960.
Volume 3.1 110.00
Volume 3.2 210.00
Volume 3.3 260.00
Volume 3.4 750.00
Volume 3.5 450.00
Volume 3.6 215.00
26. National Register of Private Records
This publication is an all India inventory of the archival wealth in private possession in the country. It is based on information relating to valuable documents, manuscripts, etc. furnished by different States from year to year and 23 Volumes have been published.
No. 1 (1959-60) Part I, II & III
No. 2 (1960-61)
No. 3 (1961-62)
No. 4 (1962-63) Part I& II
No.5 (1963-64) 12.00
No.6 (1964-65) 10.00
No.7 (1965-66) 10.00
No.8 (1966-67) 12.50
No.9 (1967-68) 10.00
No.10 (1968-71) 10.00
No.11 (1971-77) 19.00
No.12 (1979-81) 21.50
No.13 (1977-78) 19.00
No.14 (1979-80) 26.00
No. 15 (1982-85) 33.00
No.16 (1982-85) 34.00
No. 17 (1982-85) 45.00
No. 18 (1990-1994) 51.00
No. 19 (1995-1996) 45.00
No. 20 (1982-83) 100.00
No. 21 (1984-89) 60.00
No.22 (1997-2003) 100.00
No.23 (2004) 115.00
27. Bulletin of Research Thesis and Dissertations
The bulletin, being published since 1955, contains information in respect scholars: (i) attached to various Indian Universities, (ii) conducting research independently and working in various research centre and Archives Departments. (iii) registered with different foreign universities/institutions and who have conducted their research work in various archival repositories in India. These bulletins are published to enable the scholars to avoid unnecessary duplication of subjects of research already attempted and also to find out latest trends of research in Modern Indian History. The department has published 18 volumes.
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5 8.00
No. 6 10.00
No. 7 9.00
No. 8 9.00
No. 9 16.00
No. 10 18.00
No. 11 9.50
No. 12 43.00
No. 13 47.00
No. 14 48.00
No. 15 55.00
No. 16 80.00
No. 17 95.00
No. 18 100.00
28. Guide to the Records in the National Archives of India
This publication is wholly devoted to the introduction of the large bulk of the records housed in the National Archives of India. The history of the department, the growth of the Secretariat of the Government of India and an outline of the various changes that took place from time to time in the records keeping system have been highlighted in Vol I of the publication. Besides, with aim to acquaint the scholars with the total holdings in its custody, the department launched a programme to publish it in several parts, each covering some specified groups or series of records. These 'Guides' contains narratives on organizational changes in each department followed by a brief descriptive note on each Branch, Section or Record Group and abstract list giving necessary information on the records and their finding aids. The department has published 11 Volumes of the guides.
Part I 12.00
Part II 12.00
Part III 40.00
Part IV 20.00
Part V 20.00
Part VI 20.00
Part VII 20.00
Part VIII 75.00
Part IX 60.00
Part X 78.00
Part XI 87.00
29. Azad Hind Fauj ki Gaurav Gatha - I.N.A. Photographs from Files
This publication is based on de-classified files of the Ministry of Defence relating to activities of Indian National Army and brought out on the occasion of the birth centenary of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and fifty years of the India's Independence. The publicity material on Indian National Army and contemporary photographs are highlights on the publication.
Azad Hind Fauz Ki Gaurav Gatha -INA
Photographs from Files 250.00
(Note: - The availability of the above mentioned publication may be checked with the General Section/ Sale Counter of the National archives of India)
30. Stri Vimarsh Ka Kaljayi Itihas
This publication is based on the first issues of Hindi weekly, fortnightly and monthly magazine printed during the 20th century in India and Pakistan. These magazines are part of Janak Dulari collection available in the National Archives of India. This publication has been brought out under the Public Private Partnership Programme.
Stri V imarsh Ka Kaljayi I tihas 400.00
(This publication is available with Samaik Prakashan, 3320-21,
Jathwara, Netaji Subhas Marg, Daryaganj, New Delhi)
C. Re-Prints
The following publications have been brought out under the project 'Archives in India Historical Reprints' with a Public-Private Partnership initiative.
1. Indian Travels of Jean De Thevenot & Gemelli Careri
The seventeenth century found many European travellers in India. They came from diverse countries by diverse routes on diverse missions; some in quest of trade, others in search of a career, and yet others, a small minority, to seek diversion in new countries among new peoples with strange manners and novel customs. To this rare company belonged Jean de Thevenot and Giovanni Francesco Gemelli Careri. Neither greed nor cupidity not even their country's interest but natural curiosity brought them to the east and with uncommon fidelity they recorded what they saw and heard.
The most valuable part of Thevenot and Careri's travels, as indeed of all other travelers, is where they record their personal experiences and write of the roads they traversed, the town they visited, the men they met, the things they saw, the amenities they enjoyed, the discomforts they suffered and the difficulties they encountered. However, in assessing the historical merit of Thevenot and Careri's travels we should always bear in mind the principle that no authority can be more reliable than the sources referred and consulted. As a contemporary source of Indian history both the travelers will always remain indispensable.
Indian Travels of Jean De Thevenot (1666-1667) &
Gemelli Careri (1695-1696) 1200.00
2. Narrative of A Journey Overland from England to India
This Travelogue is a narrative of a journey overland from England by the continent of Europe, Egypt, and the Red Sea to India including a residency there, and voyage home in the years 1825-1828 in the form of letters written by Mrs. Colonel Elwood to her sister Mrs. Elphinstone. In submitting the following letters to the public, the writer is acting upon the suggestions of those on whose judgment she has a firmer reliance than on her own, and who are of opinion, that they may possibly be deemed not wholly uninteresting at this peculiar time, when India, and the over-land communication with that country, are topics of such general conversation. The author has given a true and faithful description of what she saw and felt, in the very peculiar circumstances in which she occasionally found herself; and this account of adventures of the first and only female who has hitherto ventured over-land from England to India, may at least prove not wholly unacceptable to the fair part of the reading community.
Narrative of A Journey Overland from 1800.00
England to India (Set of 2 Volumes)
3. A Narrative of a Journey Overland from Caunpoor to the Boorendo Pass in the Himalaya Mountain.
The narrative of Journey is divided in to two volumes, one by Major Sir William Lloyd and the second one is by Captain Alexander Gerard. Volume-I of the travelogue is a narrative of journey from Caunpoor to Koteghur by Naan and Jeytuk to the Palains, Volume-II narrates the journey from the Snowy Passes of Himalayas to Shatool, Nawur, Sooran, Rampoor, Kooloo, Nirtnugur, Kotgurh where the Himalayan tour ends. An annexure to the present travelogue is the letter from the late J. G. Gerard, detailing a visit to the Shatool and Boorendo Passes, for the purpose of determining the line of perpetual snow on the southern face of
the Himalaya was written upon the spot, and contains facts and results of much importance upon the Isothermal lines of the Himalaya mountains. The present narrative combines instruction with amusement.
A Narrative of a Journey Overland from Caunpoor to the Boorendo
Pass in the Himalaya Mountain 1500.00
(Set of 2 Volumes)
4. Imperial India: An Artist Journal 1876-1877
The author Val C. Princep, an exceptional artist had received, somewhat unexpectedly, a commission in the month of October, 1876 to paint a picture for the Indian Government, as a present to Her Majesty the Queen on the occasion of the assumption of the title of Empress of India. He began his journey from England to India early in November 1876 to explore a country artistically unknown to him. He had the advantage of belonging to what is called an Indian family, since he was born in Calcutta, although he left the place at an early age. After his arrival in India, the author had travelled from Calcutta to Delhi and determined to keep a journal and submitted same to the readers.
The reader will find many sketches mentioned in the journals which have been found impossible to reproduce among the illustrations. The exigencies of the publishers had necessitated the author to make a selection from the original journal for reproduction in the present form. In this publication, the author has brought thirty-four sketches of natives - mostly rajahs - and nearly fifty landscape studies and twenty four woodcuts. The author had made a selection of those which he found most interesting to the general public.
Imperial India: An Artist Journal 1876-1877 1250.00
(The above publications are available with
Asian Educational Services,
6A Shahpur Jat, New Delhi - 110 049
Tell. : +91-11-26491586, 26494059
Fax: +91-11-26494946
email: aes[at]aes[dot]ind[dot]in )
5. The Military operations at Cabul
In the 1880s, Afghanistan's state-building problems were dramatically aggravated by the intervention of two new imperialist powers, the British Empire and Czarist Russia. The British saw the Hindu Kush Mountains of Afghanistan as a natural barrier, one that would protect the lucrative Indian subcontinent from invasion. The Military Operations at Cabul provides a first-hand account of British Army operations in Cabul duThis publication provides a first-hand account of British Army operation in Cabul during 1842, when Afghanistan rose up on revolt against its ruler and the British forces in the city. The book provides an insightful account
of what happened in the city during this period, followed by a brief relation of the retreat, when Afghan tribal forces decimated the British Army and their followers.
The author also provides an interesting narrative of his time as a prisoner, when he and his family was captured by Akbar Khan, an Afghan Prince and Emir. During nearly nine months in captivity, Eyre kept a diary describing his experiences, illustrated by the sketches of other officers and ladies. The manuscript was smuggled out to a friend in British India and was then published in England as The Military Operations at Cabul in 1843.
The Military operations at Cabul 750.00
6. To Balk, Bokhara and Herat
Fascinatingly, the image of bleak country, tribal warlords, harsh justice, and an ungovernable people that emerges from Mohan Lal's account of the region has continuity in present times. Whether this continuity is because of Orientalist discourse, the games that western and expansionist powers have been playing in the region since the beginning of the nineteenth century, the fierce independence of the warlords who have never submitted to any overarching authority, or a combination of the latter two factors continues to intrigue observers.
Munshi Mohan Lal is an early product of the 'civilizing mission of the British in India. Employed as Persian Secretary by Lieutenant Alexander Burnes, British envoy, during his travels through Afghanistan and Central Asia, Mohan Lal carried a personal diary of his travels as he had been encouraged to do by his British teacher. However, his diary records not merely strategic transactions but also ethnographic and geographical details of the remote and harsh terrain he was travelling. It also provides information regarding observations on the Bamian idols and the description of the trade of the region. His recollections are tied up with a progressively important aspect of British imperialism - the enterprise of gathering and recording knowledge about the land and the peoples it seeks to rule or control.
To Balk, Bokhar a and Herat 775.00
(The above publications are available with
Three Rivers Publishers,
2nd Floor, 6 Eastern Avenue, Maharani Bagh,
New Delhi 110 065)
7. Nawab Sultan Jahan Begam: An Account of My Life
The publication entitled, Akhtar Iqbal (The Star of Prosperity) in Urdu, carries the story down to the end of the twelfth year of the reign of Nawab Sultan Jahan Begam. The author has endeavoured to give a faithful picture of the general conditions of life in the-then Bhopal, and the manner and character of its administration. In fact, the present volume including the other two volumes named Gohur-i-Iqbal (The Pearl of Prosperity) and Taj-ul-Iqbal (The Crown of Prosperity) covers a period of over two hundred years, and they thus form a complete record of the origin and history of the Bhopal State, and the gradual development, from reign to reign, of its resources and administrative organizations. The literal translation of the original text was carried out by Mr. B. Ghoshal, an accomplished Urdu and Persian Scholar and it is translated to English by C. H. Payne.
Nawab Sultan Jahan Begam: An Account of My Life 395.00
(This publication is available with Niyogi Books, D-78, Okhla
Industrial area,
Phase-I, New Delhi-110 020, INDIA
Tel: +91-11-26816301, 49327000
Fax: +91-11-26810483, 26813830
email: niyogibooks[at]gmail[dot]com )
8. A Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts
This catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts lists codices which were transferred from the personal library of H.H. the Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir. It contains unknown text as well as ancient versions of known text in the Sharda script. This royal collection edited by Prof. Lokesh Chandra encompasses Vedic text, Smrti, Dharmasastra, Itihasa, Purana, Philosophy, Grammar, Lexicography, Drama, Poetry, Poetics, Astrology, Ritual, Medicine, Polity, Tantras, Martial Arts, etc.
A Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts 1500.00
(This publication is available with Aditya Prakashan,
2/18, Ansari Road, New Delhi-110 002
Email: contact[at]adityaprakashan[dot]com
D. Non-priced Publications
1. A Hand book to the Records of the Government of India in the Imperial Record Department 1748-1859
This publication is outcome of the resolution of the Indian Historical Records Commission with the intention to enable a student of history to find out material in the Imperial Record Department on particular research.
2. Indian Seals: Problems and Prospects
This publication is an outcome of a project of Cataloguing the Oriental Seals found on oriental documents in custody of National Archives of India. This publication is re-print of two articles Saga of India Seals and problems of Sigillography in India by Shri S. A. I. Tirmizi published in the Indian Archives.
3. Index to the Land Revenue Records
This publication is outcome of the recommendation of the Indian Historical Records Commission in 1939 and two volumes on the land revenue records have been brought out. The earliest revenue records of the East India company were transferred to the Government of Bengal ,therefore, first volume provides consolidated index from 1830-37 while second volume covers the period of 1838- 1840.
4. Report of the Committee on Archival Legislation
This publication is a report of the committee appointed in 1959 under the chairmanship of Dr. Tara Chand, M.P. Rajya Sabha to advise the Government of India regarding the desirability of making a law applicable to the archives in India and to enquire into the working of National Archives of India. It deals with the issues e.g. the state of Public Records and problems relating to them, the problems relating to coordination of Archival work on an all India basis, the need and scope of law relating to Archives, the problems of private archives and various activities of National Archives of India.
5. Archives and Records: What are they?
This publication is based on three articles with aim to introduce a layman on the subject of Archives and their administration.
6. An Introduction to National Archives of India
This publication is a broucher on introduction to the National Archives of India.
7. Our National Archives: A Glimpse
This publication was brought out on the completion of 93 years of Imperial Record Department which provides a glimpse of the activities of the National Archives of India. It was also brought out in Hindi.
8. Pictorial Representation of National Archives of India
This publication is the pictorial album of various activities of National Archives of India with the compliments from Dr. B. A. Saletore, Director of Archives.
9. Guide to Microfilms from Abroad
This publication is a hand book on Microfilms relating to India acquired from various foreign Archives/Institutions.
10. Guide to Microfilms of Indian Collections
This publication is a catalogue of the microfilms of documents, manuscripts and printed matter in the custody of various individuals, private institutions and government agencies in various parts of India.
11. Collection of Private Papers in the National Archives of India
This publication is a handbook on Private Papers of the eminent personalities available in the National Archives of India. The brief description of the personality/collection, principal correspondent, inclusive years and subject discussed are highlighted in the publication.
12. Sarojini Naidu - Some Facets of Her Personality
This publication was brought out on the occasion of a symposium organized on 101 anniversary of Sarojini Naidu in the department. The papers presented in the symposium have been included in this publication.
13. A Hand Book of Records Managers
This publication deals with the guidelines on various aspects of the record management.
14. Record Management in India-Some aspects
This publication was brought out on the occasion of a seminar on Record Management during the Archives week and the problems of Records Management have been discussed in the publication.
15. Diplomatic of Sanskrit Copper Plate Grants
This publication is about the science of diplomatic which relates to the study of the various aspects of documentary heritage such as place and date of origin of document, patterns and structure of the text, phraseology, method of engrossing, validation, dating and conveyancing, etc. The definition of diplomatic, history of the science of diplomatic, engraving and nature of Sanskrit copper plates as well as structure of grants are also covered in the publication.
16. Reprography - An Aid to Archives
This publication is a handbook on reprographic techniques relating to Archives.
17. Abhilekho Ka Punarlekhan
This publication is a handbook on various aspects of reprography and first of ever publication in Hindi on the subject.
18. Micrographics for Archives and Libraries
This publication is the proceedings of the seminar on Micrographics organised in collaboration with the Genealogical Society of Utah in November 1988.
19. Reprographics in Archives
This publication is a comprehensive information on microphotography and other reprographic techniques used by Archives, Libraries and allied institutions.
20. Guidelines for Control and Precaution of Termite Infestation in Archives and Libraries
This publication is a handbook on Guidelines for Control and Precaution of Termite Infestation in Archives and Libraries.
21. Guide to Restoration of Documents
This publication is a handbook on restoration of documents.
22. Guidelines for Prevention, Detection and Control of fire in Archives and Libraries
This publication is a handbook on prevention, detection and control of fire in Archives and Libraries.
23. Conservation of Traditional Records, Paper and Allied Materials
This publication is the proceedings of the International Seminar held in December 1985 under the joint auspices of the South and West Asian Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives (SWARBICA) and the National Archives of India. This publication includes the papers presented in the Seminar regarding the conservation problem faced by the Archives, causes of deterioration, restoration techniques and housing requirement. The use of microfilming as an aid for conserving the information contents of documents and manuscripts was also discussed.
24. Elements of Records Management and Conservation
This publication is a handbook for various record creating agencies for proper management, appraisal, care and conservation of records under their control.
25. Pralekhon, Pandulipiyon tatha Dushpraya Pustakon ka Abhirakashan aur Pratisanskar
This publication is a handbook in Hindi on preservation of documents, manuscripts and rare books.
26. Resolution of Indian Historical Records Commission
This publication is based on resolutions passed at various sessions of Indian Historical Records Commission and 3 Volumes have been brought out covering the periods. (1919-48), (1948-73) and (1975-82).
27. Indian Historical Records Commission: Retrospect
This publication is a retrospect outlining significant achievements of the Indian Historical Records Commission brought in 2 volumes covering the period. (1919-48) and (1948-94).
28. Indian Historical Records Commission: Sources on Indian History
This publication is in 3 volumes and a tribute to the scholarship and contributions of the personalities to the cause of Historical Research. It comprises of reprints of selected papers by leading scholars which had been presented at the earlier sessions of the commission.
29. Index to Papers Read at the Indian Historical Records Commission Sessions
This is a catalogue of the authors as well as the subjects of the papers read at the various sessions of Indian Historical Records Commission Sessions and 4 volumes have been brought out, Vol. I (1920-56), Vol. II (1957-76), Vol. III (1977-92) and Vol. IV (1995-2003).
30. National Committee of Archivists - Golden Jubilee Commemorative
The National Committee of Archivists is a professional forum which was set up in 1953. This publication was brought out to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of the committee. (1953-2003).
31. Rampur Raza Library, Rampur: Manuscripts Collection
This publication is a catalogue of the selected manuscripts of Rampur Raza Library. These manuscripts in Arabic, Persian, Gujrati, Hindawi, Hindi, Pusto, Sanskrit, Turki and Urdu were microfilmed by National Archives of India and available in the department.
32. The Indian Archives: A Classified List of Articles (1947-85)
This publication is compilation of the articles published in the Indian Archives. The title of the article, name of the author and reference number of the journal have also been included in the publication. the articles have been arranged in the groups with regard to the important aspects of the archival studies.
33. Archives in India
This broucher was brought out to acquaint the scholars and public with the development of Archival organizations in our country and part played by them in preserving Archival Heritage for the posterity. The Hindi version was also published for the users.
34. Our Heritage
This broucher was a catalogue of significant documents available in the department. The Hindi version was also published.
35. Patriotic Poetry Banned by the Raj
This publication is a catalogue of the poetry in vernacular languages which was banned by the British Raj and available in the department.
36. Patriotic writings Banned by the Raj
This publication is a catalogue of the prose in vernacular languages which was banned by the British Raj and available in the department.
37. Azadi Ke Tarane
This publication is based on patriotic poetry available in Urdu proscribed literature. The Hindi transliteration of the publication has also been published.
38. Deshbhakti Ke Geet
This publication in Hindi is based on patriotic proscribed literature available in the department.
39. Dharti ki Pukar
This publication in Hindi is based on patriotic proscribed literature available in the department.
40. Azadi de Goonj
This publication in Gurmukhi is based on patriotic proscribed literature available in the department.
41. Swatantra Suram
This publication in Telegu is based on patriotic proscribed literature available in the department.
42. Amar Shaeed Ko Naman
This publication is based on special number of Abhudaya on Bhagat Singh published in 1930.
43. Netaji: Samsayiak Sakshi
This publication is based on special number of Abhudaya on Subash Chandra Bose published in 1946.
44. Swatantrata Sangram aur Hindi
This publication is based on the research papers presented in a National Symposium on Freedom Movement and Role of Hindi organized by the department on 27 July 2007.
45. Annual Report of the National Archives of India
This publication is based on the annual activities of the department and it is being published since 1891 as Imperial Record Department. The change in the name occurred after the independence.
46. A Quenquennial Review
This publication was prepared with the purpose to furnish an adequate account of both success as well as new horizon which beckon after the Independence. The activities of the department for the period 1948-52 have been included in this publication.
47. Report of the Director General of Archives on the Implementation of Public Records Act 1993
This publication is the annual report on the action taken by the Records Officers. In pursuance of the Public Records Act 1993, 12 reports have so far been published since 1995.
48. National Archives of India: A Hand Book on Information
This publication was brought out in pursuance of Right to Information Act 2005 with a view to provide information about the department on basis of guidelines issued by the Department of Personal and Training. RTI Handbook
Size - 14.42 MB, Language - English, Format - PDF
49. Library of National Archives of India: An Introduction
This publication was brought out to provide an over view into the rich and varied collections in the library of the department for the benefit of the scholars and interested users.
E. Facsimile Copies of the Manuscripts
The facsimile copies of the following manuscripts available in the
department have also been published in collaboration with various
agencies/ intuitions.
1. Razmnama
The Razmnama is the Persian translation of Mahabharat prepared by the order of Emperor Akbar under the supervision of Abul Fazl in the year 1582 A.D. Among the translators were Mulla Abdul Qadir Badauni, Ibn Abd al Latif al Husaini known as Naqib Khan, Mulla Sultan Thanesari and Mulla Shirin. The present copy of the manuscript is of special interest as it records some important facts regarding the translation. According to the note of one of the translator, it was completed within a year with the help of some Sanskrit Scholars like Debi Misr, Satavadhana, Madhusudan Misr, Chaturbhuj Misr and Shaikh Bhavan. The facsimile copy is published in collaboration with Noor Microfilm Centre, Iran Culture House, New Delhi.
2. Tarikh- I- Alfi
The Tarikh-i- Alfi was compiled on the order of Emperor Akbar by Mulla Ahmad Thattawi and after his assassination by another important courtier Jafar Beg Asaf Khan on the occasion of completion of first millennium of Hijra. The first two volume of the book were revised by famous contemporary historian Mulla Abdul Qadir Badauni. The facsimile copy is published in collaboration with Noor Microfilm Centre, Iran Culture House, New Delhi.
3. Ilajut Tuyur
The Ilajut Tuyur (Treatment of Birds) is a unique manuscript which was written by a board of physicians (hakims) on Firoz Shah Tughluq's order in 780 hijri corresponding to 1378-79 AD Firoz Shah Tughluq (1351-1388 AD). The facsimile copy is published in collaboration with Noor Microfilm Centre, Iran Culture House, New Delhi.
4. Gilgit Lotus Sutra
The Gilgit Manuscripts are listed in the memory of the world register of UNESCO. They are considered to be important milestones in the history of Buddhist writings in India. The Lotus Sutra is a manual for gross National and Individual Happiness. It is also an international and pan-human work. It deals with the philosophical treatise, written around 5th or 6th century. The facsimile copy has been prepared in collaboration with the Japan's Soka Gakkai International and Institute of Oriental Philosophy,