SI. No | Title | Download | End Date |
31 | Financial bid opening summary of e-Tender Management of Records in NAI and other Administrative core activities in NAI, Lahore Shed | Financial openinig Summary Lahore Shed.pdf1.02 MB | |
32 | Corrigendum for request for Proposal ( RFP) for Digitization of Four and a Half crore pages. | Corrigendum.pdf47.08 KB | |
33 | "The e-Tender for hiring various categories of outsourced manpower for "Conservation & Management of Records and Library" at NAI, RC-Jaipur" | doc.pdf2.53 MB | |
34 | Corrigendum for hiring of manpower services for "Management of Records at Lahore Shed and other administrative/core activities of NAI" | corrilahoreshed.pdf407.69 KB | |
35 | e-Tender for Hiring of Manpower Services for ‘Conservation of Records’ | Hireing of menpower conservation of records.pdf8.94 MB | |
36 | The e-Tender for hiring of Manpower Services for "Conservation of Records and Library" at NAI, RO, Bhopal | tender_0 (1).pdf7.23 MB | |
37 | Clarification on the e-tender for Hiring of Manpower services for "Conservation of Records" | Clarification 28_09.2020.pdf100.96 KB | |
38 | Reply of Clarifications of Tender for Abhilekh Patel Portal, National Archives of India | Reply of clerifications.pdf429.52 KB | |
39 | Corrigendum I e - tender for hiring of manpower for Conservation of records | Corrigendum I e tender for hiring of manpower for Conservation of records.pdf193.45 KB | |
40 | Empanelment of Firm for Printing | New Scan for publication.pdf121.06 KB |