International Council of Archives (ICA)

ICA is the professional organization for the world archival community, dedicated to promoting the preservation, development, and use of the world`s archival heritage. It is a neutral, non-governmental organization, funded by the membership, which means that it maintains independence from the political process and its members include public and private archives institutions and individuals. For over 60 years, ICA has united Archival Institutions and the practitioners across the globe to advocate for good Archival Management and the physical protection of recorded heritage, to produce reputable standards and best practices, and to encourage dialogue, exchange, and transmissions of this knowledge and expertise across national borders. With approximately 1400 members in 199 countries and territories, the council’s ethos is to harness the cultural diversity of its membership to deliver effective solutions and a flexible, imaginative profession. ICA works closely with intergovernmental organizations such as UNESCO and the Council of Europe. The ICA also has close connections with other non-governmental organizations such the International Committee of the Blue Shield. Being the constituent member of the International Council on Archives, National Archives of India has participated in the annual conferences of ICA.

Shri Chandan Sinha, Director General, NAI participated in the 9th Annual Conference of ICA held in Rome from 21 to 23 September, 2022.

ICA Regional Branches : 


The Regional Branches of ICA are very useful as well as beneficial for ICA members. 13 branches of ICA covered the global and the members of region meet together on matters of mutual interest. The branches enabled members to participate in professional debates while respecting the cultural diversity and the tradition of their specific region. Each branch has its own leaderships, identity, and approach, whilst adhering to the overall ICA Mission and Aim. The Regional Branches of ICA are as follows:

  • ALA - Association Latin-American de Archives
  • ARBICA- Arab Regional Branch
  • CARBICA- Caribbean Regional Branch
  • CENARBICA- Regional Branch for Central Africa
  • EASTICA- East Asian Regional Branch
  • ESARBICA- Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Branch
  • EURASICA- Eurasia Regional Branch
  • EURBICA- European Regional Branch
  • NAANICA- North American Archival Network
  • PARBICA- Pacific Regional Branch
  • SARBICA- Southeast Asian Regional Branch
  • SWARBICA- South and West Asian Regional Branch
  • WARBICA- West African Regional Branch

South West Asia Regional Branch of International Council on Archives (SWARBICA) : To strengthen co-operation within South and West Asia, SWARBICA is responsible for carrying out the policy and the programmes of ICA in this region, where countries viz, India, Iran, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal and Bhutan are the members of SWARBICA. It operates under Constitutions of the South and West Asia Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives adopted at the branch’s inaugural conference held in New Delhi in 1976.

Director General, National Archives of India is the Treasurer of the SWARBICA. Chief Archivist, National Library and Archives of Bhutan and Director General, Directorate of Archives and Libraries, Bangladesh are the President and Secretary General, respectively, of the SWARBICA.

National Archives of India involves payment of annual subscription fees to two foreign institutions viz., International Council on Archives (ICA) and South and West Asian Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives (SWARBICA) on yearly basis.

The National Archives of India hosted two days' Meeting of the Heads of the Archives of SWARBICA countries from 28-29 September, 2012 wherein members from eight countries participated. A seminar on “RTI and Records Management–Past, Present and Future” was held on the first day of the meeting and Executive Board Meeting of the SWARBICA was held on 29th September, 2012 and discussed issues relating to the archives as a whole.